Photography, Tapestry,
Graphic Art & More
by 3 local artists
Graphic Art & More
by 3 local artists
Saturday, November 4, 12–5PM
at 41 Waldorf Road, Newton Highlands
Three artists in my neighborhood—Ellen Fisher, Ellen
Kaplovitz, and I—will be showing our artwork at our home—
a nice change from our gallery shows. Photographs, graphic art,
Kaplovitz, and I—will be showing our artwork at our home—
a nice change from our gallery shows. Photographs, graphic art,
large tapestries, silk pieces, and more will be on view—new works,
experimental works, and others that we’ve created in the last few years.
experimental works, and others that we’ve created in the last few years.
(See samples below.)
All are welcome. If you’ll be in the Boston area, we hope you’ll stop
by! If you know others who might like to come, please invite them.
Some of what Ellen Fisher will be showing.
(See more at her website,

Some of what Ellen Kaplovitz will be showing:

Send your thoughts and questions.
And subscribe to the every-month-or-so
newsletter (100+ subscribers)—original
art, photographs, and sometimes
video, audio, prose, or verse.