The Bigheads
I expect the Bigheads need little introduction. There is much news about them these days, mostly about their role as Vassal’s collaborators in the recent release of his invention. Also, many people have read—or seen on TV and in movie theaters—accounts of their involvement with Vassal years ago, when he famously did not release his invention.
Jimmy the Fairy, in particular, is familiar to many people. A longtime presence in print, broadcast, and online media, he is one of the nation’s leading commentators on current events and contemporary culture. And visitors to SQUEEZESHOT may have seen the dozens of mentions of him and the other Bigheads in Prelude, and read the pages of Vassal’s journal (excerpted elsewhere at this site) in which Vassal describes his first encounter with them.
Their meetings with us during the months leading to the great release were characteristic. I described a number of those meetings in Prelude. I especially enjoyed their descriptions (reported here and here) of what they planned to do — and now are doing — with Vassal’s invention.
They are a lively crew. Vassal and I will say more about them in the Second Edition of the Journal, and in future volumes of the saga.