Reader Comments
A Story and Exploration in Words and Art
The saga of Vassal Squeezeshot is a fiction that, in many ways, is coming true for us all. Accompanied by more than 100 pieces of original art, photography, and video, it envisions a technology that turns our lives inside out.
The technology—mosquito-sized drones—will become commonplace. All of us will send them wherever we want, and see and hear what’s there. And any of us will be able to tune in to anyone else’s; they broadcast everywhere.
Prelude, The Saga‘s principal volume, describes the coming of the drones, and, with the rest of the saga, explores the consequences. Our senses of ourselves, our society, our civilization, and our world will be transformed. Our privacy, secrecy, intimacy, security, family life, community, government, commerce, jobs, education, entertainment, and culture as a whole will change dramatically.
Will something like that really happen? Is it inevitable? Desirable? If it happens, how will we respond? Will we adapt? Will we gain, lose, or both? One reader has called such drones a “humane transformative technology.” Might that prove true, or is that a hope — typical concerning new technology — that cannot triumph over our nature as humans?
A minute of audio about those questions:
The Saga poses as a nonfictional, personal account written by its two principal characters: a famous inventor named Vassal Squeezeshot, and his companion, The Reverend Professor Henrietta A.
There are three parts: Prelude, the principal volume, written by The Reverend Professor; Chorus, a brief postscript to Prelude by The Reverend Professor; and Through the Eyes of God: The Battlefront Journal of Vassal Squeezeshot, a series of excerpts from Vassal’s personal journal. All the art, photography, and video that illustrates them has been created by The Reverend Professor.
See readers’ feedback about the Saga. And/or add your own.PRELUDE
Principal volume of the Saga,
and prelude to everyone’s future,
by The Reverend Professor Henrietta A. *
Read Prelude here and/or listen to its first pages here:
A brief postscript to PRELUDE
by The Reverend Professor *JOURNAL
Excerpts from the upcoming
second edition of Vassal’s journal,
with Victory Tree and The Reverend Professor *
The Society
An appreciation
Short takes from
the eternal present
. . . to come, maybe
Works (Directory)
*The SAGA and its “authors” are
fictional creations of Marcus Parsons.CONTACT / SUBSCRIBE